Terrace Fire Department

The Terrace Fire Department responds to a variety of emergency and non-emergency calls every day within the City of Terrace, and at times, outside city limits. We provide a range of services including fire prevention, fire code inspections, fire suppression and rescue, first responder medical emergencies, motor vehicle incidents, and specialized technical rescues. Firefighters are also actively involved in the community, providing fire prevention education and inspections, and supporting community events and fundraising efforts.
The department consists of a Fire Chief, a Deputy Chief and Administration Clerk, 4 fulltime fire captains, 8 fulltime firefighters and paid on call firefighters. The Terrace Fire department also has a close working relationship, and agreements in place for mutual support, with other Fire departments in the area, such as Thornhill, Kitimat, and Prince Rupert.
The Terrace Fire department responds to an average of 1300 emergency incidents a year.
February 21, 2025 - Hiring a Deputy Fire Chief
Application deadline: 4:30 p.m., Monday, March 10, 2025
See the full job description, including minimum qualifications
The City of Terrace is seeking a dynamic and highly motivated individual to join our team as a permanent, full-time Deputy Chief of Training and Operations. This key leadership role supports our commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and enhancing community safety.
Under the direction of the Fire Chief, the Deputy Chief position will provide leadership and strategic direction to the department while advancing a positive and engaging workplace. The Deputy Chief will oversee training and operations, and other programs based on organizational needs. The Deputy Chief will bring strong inter-agency relations, community initiatives and a progressive leadership dynamic to our department.
Submit your application to:
- Terri Williamson, Human Resources Manager: twilliamson@terrace.ca
- Reference posting #18-2025
3215 Eby Street Terrace, BC V8G 2X8
Phone: 250-638-4734 (Non-Emergency Number)
Fax: 250-635-4933
Email: firehall@terrace.ca
Now recruiting: Paid on Call Firefighters. Click here for details.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the requirements to join the Terrace Fire Department as a Volunteer?
- Be a resident of the City of Terrace, so that you can respond promptly;
- Have obtained a minimum of grade 12 or equivalent;
- Be a minimum of nineteen (19) years of age;
- Be able to meet the Fire Department's physical agility requirements;
- Be able to obtain a medical examination certificate proving you are fit to participate in firefighting activities; and
- Be prepared to commit the necessary time and effort involved in being a Volunteer Firefighter.
Is there anything else that will aid in my chances of being a successful applicant for the Fire Department?
Yes. Obtaining one or more of the following will help your chances:
- Hold a valid first aid/CPR certificate;
- Hold a valid class 5 driver's license;
- Have an air brake endorsement certificate;
- Hold recognized certificates for firefighting courses;
I do not meet all the above criteria - can I still apply?
Yes, we strongly recommend that you still fill out the application form.
Where do I obtain and send my completed application?
A copy of the Volunteer Firefighter Application form can be obtained from the Fire hall (3215 Eby Street), or:
Once completed, it can be mailed to:
City of Terrace
Fire & Rescue
3215 Eby Street
Terrace, B.C. V8G 2X8If mailed, please mark the envelope with: "Confidential - Application" in the bottom left hand corner of the envelope. Or, you can drop off the completed application form at the fire station. Our office hours are 0800-1200, 1300-1630 hours, Monday to Friday.
How much time will I be expected to contribute?
Members of the Fire Department are expected to attend 70% of the scheduled fire practices during the course of the year. Fire practices or training occur every Tuesday evening, starting at 1900 hours and normally go to 2100 hours.
New recruits are also expected to attend the "new recruit" orientation program. This training is scheduled over a variety of weekends and a number of evenings. It is essential that all new recruits complete the basic Firefighter program.
When you are available, you are expected to be on voluntary call for any emergency calls that occur in the Terrace area. Generally, we would expect that a Volunteer would be able to attend at least 50% of the calls over a period of a year.
How many calls does the Fire Department respond to in an average year?
It depends on the year; hot, dry spring conditions usually increase our call volume substantially because of grass fires. An average year would be approximately 1200-1500 actual responses.
Am I expected to attend all emergency calls?
No. Although we encourage members to respond when available, it is our expectation that our Volunteer members would be available for about 50% of the fire-related calls.
I am not around all the time, or I work shift work, or at times I would just not be available to respond to calls or attend the training sessions, does this pose a problem?
No. Most of our current members also have similar times when they are not available for calls. However, the administration of the Fire Department watches this area very closely. If a member is not very active or does not attend many of the calls, they could be asked to step down from their position as a Volunteer Firefighter. This doesn't happen very often. We realize that your family and work comes first, all we ask is that you make an honest effort to attend as many functions and calls as possible.
I realize this is a volunteer Fire Department, but is there any compensation for attending practices or emergency calls?
Yes, paid on call firefighters will be paid $25 per hour for attending an emergency incident and $22 per hour for attending weekly fire training practice. The City pays for a life insurance policy for each active member, and a yearly tax credit may also be available.
What type of calls do you respond to?
Terrace Fire & Rescue responds to highway traffic accidents, medical emergencies, hazardous material spills and, of course, fire calls. As a new Volunteer member, you would be required to concentrate your time learning to be a Firefighter. As you gain experience, you will be able to move into other areas of emergency response.
Is there any full-time staff working in the Fire Department?
Yes, the Fire Chief, one Deputy Fire Chief, ten full-time Firefighters, and one full-time Administrative Clerk.
What are the duties of a Volunteer Firefighter within the Fire Department?
As a Volunteer Firefighter you will:
Respond to emergency calls regarding fires within the Terrace Fire Protection Area;
- Respond from time to time to other fire areas as outlined in our Mutual Aid Agreement;
- Train towards professional qualifications for a Firefighter as set out by the NFPA standards;
- Be part of a team that keeps the units ready for the next emergency call;
- As part of a team, keep the fire station neat and tidy;
- Other related duties.
How many Volunteer Firefighters are on the Department?
We try to maintain approximately 32 Volunteer Firefighters to provide coverage for the City of Terrace.
How long do you keep completed applications on hand?
Normally we will keep all applications for a six-month period.
Any other questions? Contact us.
If you have any questions regarding the process of becoming a Volunteer Firefighter, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 250-638-4734.
After a Fire: Community Support Initiative
The Terrace Fire Department has introduced a new community support program, After a Fire, aimed at providing essential post-incident assistance and education to residents impacted by home fires. This proactive initiative underscores our commitment to not only respond to emergencies but also to support the community in recovery and prevention efforts.
Key Components of the After a Fire Program:
- Booklet and Checklist for Post-Fire Recovery: We provide a detailed booklet and checklist to those displaced by home fires, outlining the steps to efficiently manage post-fire challenges.
- Prompt Neighbourhood Outreach: Firefighters from the Terrace Fire Department will engage with the community within 24 hours of a residential fire to offer support and share valuable safety information.
- Educational Insights on Fire Causes: Firefighters will provide residents with knowledge of how the recent fire started, empowering them with information to prevent future occurrences.
- Dedicated Fire Safety Education: Fire safety is paramount, and the program will disseminate critical tips to help residents protect their homes and families.
- Smoke Alarm Testing and Installation: The department will ensure that all homes have the opportunity to have smoke alarms tested and installed, fostering an environment where early fire detection is standard.
- Comprehensive Fire Escape Planning: Understanding that every second counts, firefighters will assist households in developing effective fire escape plans.
- Transparency in Fire Suppression Techniques: The program will also offer residents a better understanding of the strategies and techniques that Terrace Fire employs during fire suppression operations.
The After a Fire program represents the Terrace Fire Department's holistic approach to fire response, where the safety, education, and well-being of our residents are the paramount focus. We are committed to being a guiding hand through recovery and an educational resource for prevention.
The aftermath of a fire can be a period of uncertainty and distress for residents. With the After a Fire program, we aim to provide immediate and practical support to our community members, ensuring they are not alone as they navigate the path to restoration and safety.
For additional details, please contact Fire Chief Chad Cooper at 250-638-4734.
Improving fire safety in the home should be possible for everyone—that’s why the Home Safety Program is available for low-income families and seniors in our community.
Participants in this program receive a home visit and information from the Terrace Fire Department, who will inspect existing and/or install new combination CO/smoke detectors.
The Home Safety Program is free to participating households—request your appointment and CO/smoke detector today!
Contact us for an appointment:
firehall@terrace.caSmoke Alarm Tips
ImageSmoke alarms save lives! When properly installed and maintained, they play a vital role in reducing fire deaths and injuries. Here are some tips:
- A closed door may slow the spread of smoke, heat, and fire. Install smoke alarms in every sleeping room and outside each separate sleeping area. Install alarms on every level of the home.
- Smoke alarms should be interconnected. When one sounds, they all sound.
- Large homes may need extra smoke alarms.
- Test your smoke alarms at least once a month. Press the test button to be sure the alarm is working.
- Today’s smoke alarms will be more technologically advanced to respond to a multitude of fire conditions, yet mitigate false alarms.
- Renovating? Moving in? Have an unfinished basement? It’s still important to have working smoke alarms on all levels—even a portable battery-powered one works.
- When a smoke alarm sounds, get outside and stay outside.
- Replace all smoke alarms in your home every 10 years.
Smoke alarms are inexpensive and could save your life. In addition to the Home Safety Program mentioned above, there is also a community financial assistance program in place with the local Canadian Tire.
NO Burning of Yard Waste Within City Limits
Burning of yard waste, grass, branches, leaves, and other debris is NOT allowed within City limits, as per the City of Terrace Fire Prevention Bylaw. This bylaw is in place to protect our community from forest fires and to avoid aggravating respiratory health conditions.
- Fire pits in the backyard are for the purpose of cooking food only. Fires must be contained within a non-combustible receptacle constructed of cement, brick, or metal, and be no more than three feet in diameter.
- Only cut, seasoned wood or charcoal is to be burned.
- All fires must be supervised by a competent person while it is burning or smoldering, and extinguished prior to leaving the fire.
- Fires should not be lit when the weather conditions could cause smoke to be a nuisance to another person. Fires are to be extinguished immediately if they are causing an unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment of another person's property.
- There must be a minimum 10 foot clearance from any structure or fence.
- If you do have yard waste to get rid of, our seasonal curbside drop-off program runs every Monday. Learn more on our refuse page.
Please direct burning complaints to the City of Terrace Fire Department at 250-638-4734 or the Bylaw Officer at 250-615-4037.
Emergency Support Services (ESS) is designed to provide short-term basic support to British Columbians impacted by disasters ranging from a single house fire to larger events, such as wildfires. These supports enable those impacted to re-establish themselves as quickly as possible after an emergency or disaster.
The Skeena Valley ESS is our local group and it serves the City of Terrace, Thornhill, and surrounding areas.
Learn more
Visit the RDKS website
Visit the RDKS ESS Facebook page
November 1 to 7 is Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week!
Check the City of Terrace social media accounts for shareable tips to help keep our community safe.
The effects of carbon monoxide poisoning can be devastating—that’s why fire departments, life safety educators, government, and industry work together to raise awareness about how to stay safe. According to the BC Coroners Service, there were 151 carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning deaths in BC between 2008 and 2020, some of which were preventable.
Carbon monoxide is odorless, tasteless, and invisible. This gas is produced by propane, natural gas, wood, and many other types of fuels that may be found in your home, RV, boat, or business.
Watch for:
- headaches
- confusion
- vomiting
- weakness
- dizziness
- chest pains
If you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, be sure to turn off your appliances, get everyone out of the building (pets too), call 911, and seek medical attention.
By properly maintaining all fuel-burning appliances in a home, and installing a carbon monoxide alarm that alerts when the gas is present, we can all stay safe. Follow the link below to learn how to schedule an annual appliance inspection with a licensed gas contractor.
Be sure to install a carbon monoxide alarm in your home, RV, boat, or workplace, be sure to check the batteries twice per year, and if it goes off, NEVER ignore it. If your alarms are faulty or expired, replace and recycle them with Product Care Recycling.
Learn more
Technical Safety BC has a quick guide that covers everything you need to know:
Explore the guide
'Tis the Season
The onset of winter means more home fires.
Here's what you can do to minimize the risk in your communities.
According to NFPA statistics, about half of the nation’s home structure fires—and more than half of the home fire deaths—occur in the five-month span between November and March, with January being the peak month for both. As we head into this high-risk stretch, I urge everyone involved with fire safety outreach and education to ramp up their activities to help prevent winter fires.
There are several factors that make this time of year a perfect storm of fire risk. Looking at the three main causes of winter fires and examining the numbers behind each can be instructive and help safety advocates tailor their efforts to minimize the risk.
Cooking is the top cause of winter home fires. While these types of fires are a problem throughout the year—leading to 550 deaths, on average, annually—the pace of the problem picks up dramatically during the winter months. According to NFPA statistics, four of the five peak days each year associated with cooking fires coincide with winter-season holidays. Thanksgiving Day leads the way, with an average of 1,600 reported cooking fires across the US—more than three times the typical daily average of such fires. Christmas Eve, Christmas, and the day before Thanksgiving were the other high-risk days for cooking fires, ranging from 640 fires to 800 fires on average. Research says that the majority of these incidents are due to inattention while cooking. We all know how easy it can be to get distracted with guests and holiday preparations, which is why the dangers of unattended cooking should be a big safety message we share with our communities as the holidays approach.
Heating is another leading cause of winter fires. During the period of 2013–2017, heating equipment was involved in an estimated annual average of 50,500 reported home structure fires in the US, and caused an average of 500 deaths. While dirty chimneys were the most common source of heating-related fires, fixed or portable space heaters have caused by far the most heating equipment-related deaths; they were involved in roughly five of every six fatal incidents. These tragic deaths occur mainly when something combustible is set too close to the heater. Our safety messaging needs to help people understand the importance of cleaning their chimneys before the first use of the season and that they must keep combustible materials at least three feet away from space heaters.
Rounding out the big three are Christmas tree fires. Although the number of incidents is small—an average of 160 a year—given the large fuel load of a tree, these types of fires can be particularly deadly and lead to high property damage. As expected, most Christmas tree fires happen in December, but about 30 percent occur in January when trees have been up too long and have dried out. Lighting or electrical factors are involved in half of these fires. It is essential to remind community members that trees should be well watered and lights should be inspected and in good working order.
Author: Lorraine Carli. Published on September 1, 2019.
Click here for the story
- Have a battery-operated radio.
- This allows you to listen to your local station for warnings, advice and instructions.
- Stow flashlights with extra batteries.
- Winterize your home.
- Insulate walls and attics.
- Weather-strip doors and windows.
- Clear rain gutters.
- Remove tree branches that could fall during strong winds.
- Inspect your chimney or flue.
- This helps prevent structural fires and ensures smoke, carbon monoxide and other potentially harmful gases are properly vented.
- Make sure you have an adequate supply of food and water
- BCHydro suggests that if the power is out for less than four hours, the food in your fridge and freezer will be safe to consume.
- If the power is out for longer than four hours, follow BCHydro’s guidelines on making your food supply last as long as possible.
- Fireplaces, wood stoves, barbecues and camp stoves can be used for emergency cooking. DO NOT use barbecues or camp stoves indoors due to the high risk of carbon monoxide build-up.
Vehicle Preparedness Checklist for Severe Weather
Shift into winter every year with DriveBC's Prepare Your Vehicle checklist and make sure you’re ready for bad weather while on the road. Preparing your vehicle includes packing a winter survival kit. Recommended items include:
- Emergency kit containing non-perishable food, blankets and first aid supplies
- Windshield scraper and snow brush
- Extra windshield washer fluid
- Spare tire, wheel wrench and jack
- Shovel and traction mat, sand or kitty litter
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- Battery jumper cables
- Extra clothing and footwear
- Flares and matches or lighter
- Fuel line antifreeze
- Tire chains and gloves
Weather Alerts
Planning your route and keeping up-to-date with weather information is a core component of severe weather preparedness. Recommended weather alert sources include:
- ECCC Weather B.C: Canada’s official weather and climate source.
- B.C. Weather Alerts: Public weather alerts for British Columbia.
- DriveBC: Highway conditions, highway cams and delay information.
- DriveBC Weather Information: Route forecasts and current conditions.
- Call toll-free 1-800-550-4997 for BC road information 24 hours a day.
- Have a battery-operated radio.
Firework use is restricted to one day per year following public feedback. On October 31 ONLY, anyone over 19 years old may set off fireworks in Terrace on private property with written permission from the owner. Fireworks can only be sold from October 29 to October 31. Public events must receive permission from the Fire Department. Non-compliance can result in a $500 fine.
Please direct fireworks complaints to the Terrace Fire Department at 250-638-4734 (available 24/7) or the Bylaw Department at 250-615-4000 (Mon-Fri; 8:30 am-4:30 pm; fireworks complaints only. All other bylaw inquiries should be directed to 250-615-4037). Enforcement is always a challenge, so please call WHEN the fireworks are occurring, not after, to help us inform residents of the bylaw and ensure fines can be given out when necessary.
As you prepare for the spooky season this year, explore our resources for tips on costumes, pet safety, trick-or-treating, and more.
Emergency Preparedness Week is held every year during the first full week of May.
Learn more
Some properties will not be inspected this year due to the above constraints. The Fire Safety Checklist is designed to assist business owners and operators to keep their place of business, staff and customers safe from fire. Following the checklist can help a business be better prepared for an inspection by the Terrace Fire Department.
It’s the responsibility of all businesses to conduct an inspection of their place of work to ensure the business is operated as per the BC Fire Code. For more information, please contact the Terrace Fire Department at 250-638-4734 or at firehall@terrace.ca.
- Ensure fire extinguishers are fully charged and are mounted in such a way they are visible and easily accessible.
- Have each extinguisher serviced annually by a qualified technician. A service tag must be attached noting the date of service.
- Conduct a visible inspection of fire extinguishers once a month. The gauge should show that it is full.
- Check the hose to ensure it is attached tightly and has no cracks or blockages.
Smoke Alarms:
- Test smoke alarms once a month.
- Change batteries in smoke alarms at least once a year. (This can be timed with the change to Daylight Savings Time each spring.)
- Make sure smoke alarms are not painted or altered in any way.
Fire Alarm System:
- Have your fire alarm system serviced annually by a qualified technician.
- Perform monthly fire alarm tests on emergency power. Log these tests and make them available for a fire inspector to view.
- Ensure all parts of the fire alarm system are intact and are unaltered. Make sure fire bells are not painted.
- Ensure pull stations are not blocked by shelving, inventory, or furniture.
Electrical Hazards:
- Do not overload circuits.
- Ensure temporary electrical solutions (e.g., power bars, splitters, and electrical cords) are not used in conjunction with one another.
- Plug large appliances such as refrigerators and freezers directly into wall receptacles.
Exit Signage:
- Make sure exit signage is visible, intact, and fully illuminated.
Emergency Lighting:
- Have your emergency lighting serviced annually by a qualified technician.
- Ensure emergency lighting is in working order at all times.
- Test emergency lighting monthly.
Exit Passageways and Exit Doors:
- Ensure passageways leading to an exit are free of obstructions.
- Ensure all exit doors have approved locking mechanisms.
- Ensure all exit doors do not require specialized tools (e.g. a key) or knowledge (e.g. code) to exit.
Fire Separations:
- Keep fire doors closed when not in use.
- Make sure fire doors are not propped open.
- Do not disconnect or alter automatic door closures.
Storage Rooms:
- Keep storage rooms free of excessive clutter.
- Maintain proper aisle widths (a minimum of 900 mm or 36").
Sprinkler System:
- Confirm sprinkler system services are scheduled and maintained as per NFPA 25 by a qualified technician.
- Ensure there is no damage to sprinkler heads and there is a minimum of 450 mm (18") clearance below the heads.
- Do not paint sprinkler heads.
- Ensure all parts of the sprinkler system are intact and in good repair.
Cooking Hoods and Ducts:
- Install cooking hoods and ducts as per NFPA 96.
- Ensure cooking hoods are cleaned properly on a regular basis and that all components are in place and properly maintained.
- Make sure there are no holes in the hoods from relocating nozzles.
- Ensure the cooking hood is the appropriate size for the appliances and that all cooking surfaces are properly covered.
- Install approved filters correctly.
Cooking Fire Suppression Systems:
- Have a cooking fire suppression system serviced twice a year by a qualified technician.
- Ensure appropriate nozzles are in place for the type of appliance they are designed to protect.
Standpipe Systems:
- Perform flow and flush tests (including a 200 PSI pressure test) every five years and forward the results to the Terrace Fire Department. (These tests must be done by a qualified technician.)
- Ensure connections are visible, free of obstructions, capped, and properly labelled.
- Remove occupant-use hoses and ensure approved caps are put in place.
Mechanical and Service Rooms:
- Keep mechanical and service rooms clear of storage items and ensure doors are closed when not in use.
Laundry Rooms:
- Clean out lint traps regularly and ensure there is no build-up of lint behind or around dryers.
- Regularly check that no items have fallen behind dryers.
Emergency Power (Generator):
- Check that proper service schedules for emergency power are being maintained as per CAN/CSA-C282-05 and a log of that service is kept on site.
Please contact the Terrace Fire Department if you have any questions.
250-638-4734 or firehall@terrace.ca
Watch videos that explore our fitness testing process.