Spring GoByBike Week 2024

Spring GoByBike Week 2024

silhouette of someone riding a bike with a big speech bubble, "one week to go!" and details about GoByBike Week

Spring GoByBike Week
June 3 to 9

Whether you ride to work, school, for fun, or any other reason, the GoByBike BC Society is encouraging BC residents to ride their bikes, scooters, rollerblades, and more this spring. Register on their website and log your rides during GoByBike Week to see how many kilograms of greenhouse gases you saved. Plus, you’ll be entered to win some great prizes! 

Terrace GoByBike Week is funded in part by GoByBike BC Society, a registered non-profit society that secures and shares resources to communities throughout BC to help them deliver successful events that encourage people to use bicycles for everyday transportation.

Get started

We’ll see you out there!