The City of Terrace has been reviewing the removal of the Lakelse Avenue canopy for several years and is now able to move forward with the project. Work involves fully removing the canopy roof and steel structure, followed by restoration of the facades to ensure the integrity of the building and a restored appearance, along with restoration of the sidewalk and other repairs and upgrades. The City, contractor, and property owners/businesses are working together to minimize impacts on business activity.
Removing this aging and deteriorating structure from the public roadway has long been identified as a priority and is in line with concepts identified in our Downtown Action Plan. With the canopy removed, we will be able to move on to the next steps of improving the 4600 block. The City is working in partnership with the Terrace Downtown Improvement Association to develop a design for its reconstruction, which would include a complete reconstruction of the sidewalks, curbs, and road surface and include elements of street furnishings. This process is moving towards a conceptual design that will be presented to Council this fall. The City would then complete a detailed engineered design for the potential reconstruction of this block.
This project is underway in fall 2023.

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