Parks, Fields, Courts & Trails

Parks, Fields, Courts & Trails

The City of Terrace maintains a number of parks, playgrounds, sports fields, sports courts and trails for residents and visitors to enjoy. In addition to general use, you can also book many of these for games, practices, tournaments, events and gatherings. 

Available (with a permit) for:
Available (with a permit) for:
  • Bailey Fields North
  • Bailey Fields South
  • Caledonia
  • Cassie Hall
  • Christy Park
  • Elks Park Fields 
  • Kerr Rotary Ball Diamond
  • Riverside Ball Diamond
  • Skeena Middle 
  • Thornhill Cricket Ground
  • Thornhill Junior
  • Thornhill Primary
  • Uplands
  • George Little Park (downtown)
  • Ferry Island
  • Xpilaxha (Nelson) Trail
  • Constable Buday Park (behind Mountain Vista Drive)
  • Skeenaview Park (Halliwell Tennis Courts)

Parks (& Playgrounds)

A variety of playgrounds and parks for different ages are located throughout the City. Some City-owned parks and trails (eg. Xpilaxha Trail and Ferry Island) can also be reserved for public events. Any organized and/or advertised event requires: 

  • Permit from the City of Terrace (FREE) 
  • Refundable damage deposit
  • Proof of insurance with a minimum of $3 million liability and the City of Terrace, Coast Mountain School District 82, and the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine listed as additional insured

All these items must be completed PRIOR to stepping on any park the City of Terrace manages the reservations for. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in fines and the cancellation of your permit.


The City handles all reservations for City-owned, school-owned fields (after 6 pm) and Regional District–owned sports fields. All sports groups must reserve these fields for practice, games tournaments and/or events. Reservations are on a first-come, first serve basis once regular season bookings are complete. Requirements include:

  • Permit from the City of Terrace
  • Refundable damage deposit
  • Proof of insurance with a minimum of $3 million liability and the City of Terrace, Coast Mountain School District 82, and the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine listed as additional insured
  • Fee (for City-owned fields only)

These items must be completed PRIOR to stepping on any field the City manages the reservations for. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in fines and the cancellation of your permit.


City-owned pickleball courts and tennis courts are open to the general public 9 am to 9 pm daily, except during the winter.  


Terrace has a ton of short and long walking trails within City limits. Check out the map below for some trails to explore. 

For a more extensive list and detailed information about walking, hiking and biking trails in Terrace and area, check out the Visit Terrace website. 

Solar System Walk
Thornhill Gym
Howe Creek Tree Park
Howe Creek Trailhead (Lanfear)
Howe Creek Trailhead (Sparks)
Fisherman's Memorial Park
Ferry Island
Skeena View Park (Halliwell Tennis Courts)
Constable Buday Park
Terrace Municipal Cemetery
Kitsumgallum Cemetery
Christy Park
Terrace Mountain Trailhead (Munthe)
Kerr Rotary Ball Diamond
Riverside Ball Diamond
Terrace Mountain Trailhead (Johnstone)
George Little Park
Skateboard Park
Bike Skills Park