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General Information
Type of Resource: Building
Civic Address: 3100 Kalum Street
Legal Property Description: Parcel A, District Lots 361 and 369, Coast District, Plan PRP41812
Construction Date: 1914
Architect/Builder: Will Little, Builder
Current Owner: City of Terrace
Designated Municipal Heritage Site: Heritage Designation (George Little House Municipal Heritage Site) bylaw No. 1828-2005
Historic Details
The primary residence of George (and Clara) Little, founder of the City of Terrace. The home is representative of the architectural style of quality pre-WWI houses in B.C. This building has been full restored and represents significant value to the community history and culture. George Little's brother Will carried out much of the construction work. Will Little was responsible for building many fine homes in the city. Although the house is not on its original site, on Lakelse Avenue, it remains virtually unchanged since the initial construction.
Since its move, the house has been the site of the VIA Rail train station for passenger service. It had also acted as the host of many Terrace history celebrations and a place for local artists to sell their wares. More recently, it has transitioned to a quaint café and coffee shop, while still maintaining the train passenger service. This stunning, two-storey heritage home is hard to miss at the end of Kalum Street in downtown Terrace and is a must-see for anyone visiting our town.