City of Terrace Chief Administrative Officer - Executive Search/Recruitment

Request for Proposals

City of Terrace Chief Administrative Officer - Executive Search/Recruitment

City Hall

The City of Terrace is seeking proposals from suitably qualified consultants/companies to carry out the recruitment of a new Chief Administrative Officer on behalf of Council. The position will be vacant as of December 1, 2020. It is expected that the consultant or firm would support the full recruitment process including a search for potential qualified candidates, applicant screening, short-listing candidates, testing, interviewing, conducting reference checks, and support Council with the selection process.

PROPOSALS clearly marked “CAO Recruitment Consulting RFP 2020“ will be received by the City of Terrace, 3215 Eby Street, Terrace, BC V8G 2X8 until 4:00 p.m. (local time) on Tuesday, August 23. Proposals received after the specified time will not be considered.

Each proponent will be solely responsible for examining all the RRP documents, including any addenda issued during the RFP period and for independently informing itself with respect to any and all information contained therein, and any and all conditions that may in any way affect the quote, before the quote is submitted.

Proposals will be evaluated based on experience, references, and completeness of the proposal, price and other factors as determined by the City of Terrace.

The City of Terrace reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive irregularities at its own discretion. The lowest or any proposal will not necessarily be accepted and the City reserves the right to negotiate terms and conditions with the successful proponent.

For further information, please contact Alisa Thompson, Corporate Administrator at 250-638-4721 or

RFP Issue Date:
August 19, 2020

RFP Closing Date:  
4:00 p.m., August 23, 2020