The City of Terrace has declared a state of local emergency (SOLE) for the purpose of facilitating emergency mitigation repairs to Frank Street, which is at risk of erosion due to flooding. This is an annual problem during the spring freshet that continues to escalate, and immediate repairs are required before the risk of road washout becomes imminent. The City has received approval and emergency funding through Emergency Management BC to complete this work and has been in communications with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Kitselas, and Kitsumkalum regarding the project.
While the SOLE is issued city-wide, it is specifically in place for the Frank Street repairs and does not reflect a growing concern for other City infrastructure or private property. Currently, the CLEVER modelling from the River Forecast Centre shows the river has already peaked and will not reach levels significant enough to breach the banks in Terrace.
The Frank Street repairs consist of installing rip rap erosion protection. These repairs are anticipated to be completed within seven days of issuing the SOLE, and the City has acquired contractor McElhanney to design and manage the completion of the works. Frank Street will be closed to all traffic during construction (see map); temporary signage will be in place on Highway 16 with MOTI authorization to direct vehicles to use alternate routes for the duration of the closure of Frank Street. Please obey traffic controls in place.
Our next update will be released should any significant changes occur to the forecast; residents can continue monitoring our communications channels, including our website at and the City’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.