2022 Municipal Election Nominees
At 4:00 pm today, September 9, the nomination period closed for candidates in the upcoming City of Terrace municipal election. The Chief Election Officer has signed the declaration of candidates, so we can now provide the list of candidates (in alphabetical order):
Candidates for the office of Mayor:
Sean Bujtas
Candidates for the office of Councillor:
Chris Apps
Lynne Christiansen
James Cordeiro
Inder S Dhillon (Inderpal Dhillon)
Brian Downie
MaryAnn Freeman
Dave Gordon (David Gordon)
Martin Holzbauer
Melissa D Linn
Peter Moloney
Yvonne Nielsen
Danny Nunes
Lynn Parker (Lynn Wright-Parker)
Keenan A Stella
Sarah Zimmerman
Next steps:
-September 13 (4:00pm) is the deadline for anyone to challenge a candidate’s nomination.
-The Chief Election Officer has until September 14 to provide a decision on any challenges.
-September 14 is also the deadline for a candidate to withdraw their own name, or for anyone to withdraw their endorsement of a candidate.
-On September 19, the Chief Election Officer will provide a declaration of election.
-Advance voting takes place October 5 and October 12 (8:00am-8:00pm) at the Terrace Sportsplex
-General Voting Day on October 15 (8:00am-8:00pm) at the Terrace Sportsplex and Cassie Hall Elementary School.