The Terrace Fire Department responded to a residential structure fire in a duplex on Pear Street on Wednesday, August 23, suppressing the fire quickly to minimize damage and ensure the safety of all occupants.
At 12:00 pm, Terrace Fire Department was dispatched to a possible residential structure fire at the 2600 block of Pear Street. While fire crews were responding, the fire was upgraded to a working residential structure fire. Heavy smoke in that area could be seen from the fire station.
When the first fire apparatus arrived, the Terrace fire crews found heavy fire coming from a bedroom window. Fire crews quickly conducted an exterior fire attack using a large-diameter fire hose. They then transitioned to an aggressive interior fire attack, and the bedroom fire was quickly extinguished.
Firefighters searched the structure for occupants and to check if the fire had spread. All occupants successfully exited the home at the time of the fire and no injuries were reported. Fire damage was contained to one side of the two-unit duplex. The cause of the fire was determined to be an electrical appliance malfunction.
“Terrace firefighters did an amazing job today of quickly suppressing the fire and containing the fire damage to a bedroom on one side of the occupancy. The fire had the potential to be very damaging for the two units, displacing the two families occupying the home. The Fire Department plays a crucial role in preventing and limiting fire damages in our community while there are very low housing vacancy rates,” said Fire Chief Chad Cooper. “We also remind residents to test their smoke alarms. A working smoke alarm is essential for alerting occupants of a fire. It may save your life.”
The Terrace Fire Department would like to thank all the partner first responder agencies for their help with the structure fire.