New mural at Ferry Island TOAD-ally rocks

New mural on Ferry Island's washrooms inspired by toads and tadpoles in the pond

New mural at Ferry Island TOAD-ally rocks

Artist painting mural on washrooms at Ferry Island
Artist paints mural on Ferry Island washrooms
City Hall
Leisure Services

It’s TOAD-ally time for a mural at Ferry Island!

This week, local artist Casey Braam started painting a mural of toads and tadpoles on the exterior of  the Ferry Island washroom building. The mural should be complete by early next week and yes — the washrooms are still open!

The design of the mural was inspired by the many toads that populate Ferry Island’s pond. Casey said, quite fittingly, the first day he started on the mural, a toad hopped up to him and spent quite a bit of time trying to get inside the building. 

The Toad mural on Ferry Island was funded by the Terrace Community Forest (TCF), a company owned by the City of Terrace. Part of TFC’s mandate is to put profits from the forest tenure it manages back into the community. For more info about TFC, go to

Photo descriptions: TFC General Manager Kim Haworth and artist Casey Braam with the partially completed Toad mural at Ferry Island. 

TFC manager Kim Haworth stands with partially completed mural
Partially completed mural on Ferry Island washroom building