Last week, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food released a statement regarding the recent confirmation of avian influenza in several provinces and US states. In BC, avian influenza was confirmed on a farm in the Regional District of North Okanagan.
“All poultry producers, including backyard poultry owners, are advised to increase their biosecurity practices and to be vigilant and monitor for signs of avian influenza in their flocks,” according to the statement. “If avian influenza is suspected, poultry producers should immediately contact their local veterinarian or the provincial Animal Health Centre for advice and information.” Flocks of 100 birds have been ordered to move indoors until the end of May, when spring migration ends.
In line with the province’s statements, the City of Terrace is recommending residents with backyard hens take cautionary actions along with the larger-scale producers. More information about avian influenza and what to watch for can be found here.
Please know that the public health risk is extremely low and there is no risk to food safety.
If this affects you, please follow guidance from the Ministry of Agriculture. Read the provincial news release for more information and links.