Playgrounds and Sports Courts Now Closed

In response to provincial orders for physical distancing

Playgrounds and Sports Courts Now Closed

Leisure Services


In support of the provincial order for social distancing in effect in BC, all City of Terrace playgrounds, basketball courts, pickleball courts, and tennis courts are now closed. Signs will be posted at these facilities.

Getting outside is still important for our physical and mental wellbeing. We encourage you to get outside if you are able to, but while doing so, it is very important to stay two metres away from anyone who does not live with you. If you choose to use fields and trails, please ensure social distancing can be maintained.

We understand these are difficult decisions for families, especially those with young children, but now is the time for us all to do our part to help flatten the curve and follow the recommendations from our provincial and federal governments, along with the BC Centre for Disease Control and Northern Health. As Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Medical Health Officer, says, “this is our chance to alter the course of this epidemic, and we can do it … it's in our hands right now.”

Thank you in advance for your compliance and understanding.

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