The September 26, 2022 Council meeting will include the following:
Public Hearing:
Council will consider third reading and adoption of a bylaw to amend the City of Terrace Zoning Bylaw by changing the zoning designation from AR2 – Rural to RS1 – Rural SuburbanResidential for the property at 5021 Halliwell Avenue, and by changing the zoning designation from AR2 – Rural to RS1 – Rural Suburban Residential for the property at 5023
Halliwell Avenue. The purpose is to rezone a portion of the properties at 5021 and 5023 Halliwell Avenue from AR2 to RS1 to facilitate a proposed 3 lot residential subdivision.
Regular Council:
- Brittany Bayne from the Kitimat Airshed Group (KAG) will be providing an overview of the KAG and the work that they do within communities. The KAG will be requesting that the City of Terrace join the membership;
- Michael McFetridge of the Terrace & District Community Services Society (TDCSS) will be requesting a resolution of support for a Northern Development Initiative Trust grant application that is being submitted for the Foundry Terrace;
- Kyle de Medeiros will be discussing a petition that he has collected opposing the Ksan shelter location on Tetrault Street;
- Council will receive an update on the Local Government Development Approvals Procedure (LGDAP) grant funding and the KPMG Terrace Development Application
Process Review Project;
Council will consider allocating $7,500 from the Local Government Climate Action Program (LGCAP) 2022 Contribution to retain the Student Sustainability Intern as a consultant to assist with Climate Action Initiatives for the remainder of 2022;
Council will consider approving the proposed relocation of the sculpture "Turns" by Roderick Brown, as well as approving the proposed Lakelse Gateway carving by Nathan Wilson;
Council will consider allocating $92,000 from the Northern Capital Planning Grant Reserve to construct storm drainage infrastructure along Kenney Street;
Council will consider appointing Maggie Hall to the position of Deputy City Manager;
Council will receive an overview of events planned for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, 2022 and consider supporting the planned activities through offsetting staffing and event costs;
Council will consider approving the purchase of iPad Airs and Logitech Combo Touch keyboards for returning and incoming Council members;
Council will consider first readings of bylaws to amend the 2020-2023 Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw and the 2020-2029 Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw. One new application was received for the 2023 exemption year and one organization did not reapply, therefore, amendments to the 2020-2023 Tax Exemption Bylaw are required; and
Council will receive the August 2022 Building Synopsis.
Committee of the Whole (Development Services Component):
Council will review a Development Permit (DP) application for the property at 4644 Lazelle Avenue. The applicant, M&M Ventures, would like to complete facade upgrades and parking area improvements on the property;
Council will review a Development Variance Permit (DVP) application for the property at 16-4305 Lakelse Avenue. The applicant is requesting to cover all 31.95 m2 of a deck;
Council will review a Development Variance Permit application for the property at 3302 Kalum Street. The applicant is requesting a variance to increase the maximum total sign area permitted for the property from 18.6 m2 to 30 m2 for the existing multi-tenant commercial building; and
Council will review a Development Variance Permit application for the property at 4409-D Marshall Street. The applicant is requesting that a DVP be granted to permit an AccessoryStructure to be located in the front yard of the property that exceeds the maximum permitted gross floor area and height allowed under Zoning Bylaw.