Highlights of Regular Council Agenda:
- The RCMP Detachment Commander will be presenting the detachment's third quarter report;
- Diana Penner of the Skeena Valley Seniors Society will be introducing the Society and providing an overview of the brainstorming session that the Society held on October 17, 2022 in collaboration with other agencies that provide resources for local seniors;
- Paul Gaudet of the Terrace Minor Hockey Association will be requesting a donation or reduced cost of the Sportsplex ice fee for the BC Hockey Tier 3 Playoffs in March 2023;
- Council will consider allocating $50,000 from the Covid Restart Reserve to hire a Community Safety Officer (CSO) in a temporary position starting in November 2022, $30,000 for 3-4 months of wages, and $20,000 to purchase safety equipment for the Bylaw Compliance and Community Safety Officers;
- Council will consider adoption of a bylaw to amend the Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw.
Committee of the Whole (Development Services Component):
- There will be an opportunity for Public Input regarding an application for a Storefront Cannabis Retail License located at 102-4746 Lakelse Avenue. More information on this application can be found at: https://www.terrace.ca/business-development/planning-applications
Read the council meeting agenda
Read the Committee of the Whole (Development Services Component)
How to take part
The public and media are welcome to attend our meetings in person. We also continue to use Microsoft Teams for virtual participation.
For those who want to tune in for observation only, a webcast is also available on our website or through our Facebook page. As a reminder, we cannot respond to comments on Facebook during the meeting.
How can you participate in upcoming Council meetings, public hearings, and more? You are welcome to participate in our meetings in person or virtually. Members of the public have an opportunity in the public hearing to provide their input on the topic being discussed once the Mayor calls for speakers. There is also an opportunity at the end of our regular Council meeting for the public and media to comment or ask questions about items on the regular Council meeting agenda.
If you will be participating virtually and wish to address Council, please click here to join the regular Council meeting call. We encourage you to sign in to the meeting about 10 minutes early to ensure you are connected in time (you will need to download the Teams app if you are connecting on a smartphone). You do NOT need a Microsoft account to join as a guest. We have a page explaining how it works, including technical details that go over how to use Microsoft Teams.
Find all the participation details here
We hope you’ll join in!