Tonight is a regular Council meeting for the City of Terrace, and it will be open to the public for viewing and participation during the usual designated time at the end of the meeting.
Our Council meetings, committee of the whole meetings, and public hearings are open to the public in person or online. If you would like to ask a question about something on tonight’s regular council meeting agenda or speak at the Public Hearing, please visit City Hall or join our Teams calls. Find all the details on your options at https://www.terrace.ca/participate.
Tune in:
Monday, December 12 (tonight)
Regular Council Meeting: 7:30 pm
Regular Council:
-Yvonne Nielsen and Amanda Waning will be presenting on the topic of improved accessible transportation options;
-Representatives of the Outdoor Artist Collective will be requesting a letter of support for their annual Sima Festival: Wintering Together;
-A representative of the Terrace Off Road Cycling Association (TORCA) will be requesting a letter of support for a grant application to develop a Trails Master Plan;
-Council will receive two UBCM response letters from the Ministry of Children and Family Development;
-Council will consider approving the 2023 Appointments by Council Resolution, Deputy Mayor Listing, and Schedule of Regular Council Meetings;
-Council will consider the recommendations of the Public Art Advisory Panel and approval of Steve Rogers' proposed sculpture "the Raven" for installation at the Terrace Pump Track;
-Council will consider supporting the submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI) to the BC Destination Development Fund for enhanced community wayfinding and welcome signage;
-Council will receive a report regarding rodenticide use in City of Terrace facilities;
-Council will receive a report regarding designated overnight outdoor sheltering; and
-Council will receive the October 25, 2022 Housing Committee minutes