Regular Council Meeting - Monday, April 12, 2021

Regular Council Meeting - Monday, April 12, 2021

City Hall

April 12, 2021, Agenda

Tune in:

Monday, April 12, 2021
Regular Council Meeting: 7:30 pm

    On the Regular Council Meeting agenda:

    • Kieran Christison from Daybreak Farms will be presenting the Future Plans for the Farm;
    • Stephen Dery from the University of Northern British Columbia will be requesting a letter of support from Council for a Meteorological Station to be placed at the Terrace Campus;
    • There will be a Public Input Hearing regarding an application from Sherwood Mountain Brewhouse Ltd. to amend their Liquor License. This amendment would allow the applicant to complete the structural changes necessary to expand the liquor service area to an adjoining space in the same building; Unit 103;
    • Council will be reviewing a Development Permit application for the property at 4816 Highway 16 West. The applicant, Sherwood Mountain Brewhouse Ltd. (authorized agent for Progressive Ventures Ltd.), is proposing to expand the area of their operations to include a new permanent additional patio, dedicated retail shop, event space, warehouse area, office, and 10 additional off-street parking stalls;
    • Council will be reviewing a Development Permit application for the properties at 4819 & 4823 Lazelle Avenue. The applicant, M'akola Housing Society, has proposed the development of a 47-unit apartment on the properties;
    • Council will be reviewing a Temporary Use Permit for the property at 5008 Agar Street. The applicant, Westland Resources Limited, would like to fill the tenant spaces in the small building on the south half of their property. They are requesting to use a portion of the building for a Massage Therapy Clinic;
    • Council will be considering re-reading the second reading of a bylaw to amend the zoning designation from R3 - Low Density Multi-Family Residential to C5 - Local Commercial, with "restaurant" and "retail store" as additional site specific permitted uses for a portion of the property located at 3725 Thomas Street;
    • Staff are recommending that Council consider directing staff to develop an implementation strategy for responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's Call to Action #57;
    • Council will be discussing Lanfear Drive shoulder repairs and traffic options;
    • Council will be considering the first, second, and third readings of bylaws to amend the 2021 sewer and water bylaws;
    • Council will be discussing vehicle requirements for the Manager of Public Works; and
    • Council will be reviewing the March 2021 Building Synopsis;

    Read the council meeting agenda


    How to take part

    In accordance with the most recent Provincial Health Officer Order regarding gatherings and public events, the public is currently not permitted to attend Council Meetings, Public Hearings, or Committee of the Whole meetings. However, according to the Guidance for Open Meetings and Electronic Meetings under Current PHO Orders and Ministerial Order 192, local governments are encouraged to hold electronic Council meetings and public hearings. The City of Terrace will be holding our meetings electronically until further notice from the Provincial Health Officer.

    Council will continue to meet in a combination of in-person and virtually to limit the number of people in Council Chambers.

    How can you participate in upcoming Council meetings, public hearings, and more? In addition to the usual ability to watch for observation only through Facebook or our website, you’ll now be able to join our Microsoft Teams call if you wish to address Council directly about an item on this evening’s agenda, just as if you were there in person. We encourage you to sign in to the meeting about 10 minutes early to ensure you are connected in time (you will need to download the Teams app if you are connecting on a smartphone). You do NOT need a Microsoft account to join as a guest. We have a page explaining how it works, including technical details that go over how to use Microsoft Teams. 

    Find all the participation details here


    We hope you’ll join in!