Regular Council Meeting - Monday, December 13, 2021

Regular Council Meeting - Monday, December 13, 2021

City Hall

December 13, 2021, Agenda

Tune in:

Monday, December 13, 2021
Regular Council Meeting: 7:30 pm

    On the Regular Council Meeting agenda:

    • Erin Ryan of the BC SPCA will be offering support in reassessing the use of all rodenticides in Terrace;
    • The Terrace Old Age Pensioners Association will be requesting a letter of support for their grant application to the New Horizon For Seniors funding program in order to upgrade the kitchen equipment at the Happy Gang Center, as well as for start-up expenses due to COVID-19;
    • Council will consider issuing a Development Permit to TDL Group Ltd. to permit the redevelopment of the new Tim Hortons restaurant building at 4603 Keith Avenue;
    • Council will consider issuing a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) to Monster Industries Ltd. to temporarily permit M1 – Light Industrial uses for a period of one year, ending December 31, 2022, on their property zoned C3 – Service Commercial;
    • Council will consider a request to amend the Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaws for the property at 5414 Highway 16 to change the OCP land use designation from General Commercial to Industrial, change the Development Permit Area designation from Commercial to Industrial, and change the zoning of the property from C3 – Service Commercial to M1 – Light Industrial;
    • Council will consider approving the proposed "Learning Implementation Plan for Truth & Reconciliation Commission Call to Action #57" and allocating $15,000 from surplus to fund the proposed activities within the plan;
    • Council will consider the installation of an accessible washroom (porta-potty) at the Terrace Municipal Cemetery;
    • Council will consider adoption of a bylaw to establish a Development Cost Charges program;
    • Council will consider first readings of a bylaw to assign the names "Nash Drive" and "Dediluke Place" to the municipal highways created as a result of a new residential subdivision located at 4012 Thomas Street;
    • Council will consider first readings of the Sewer and Water Capital Reserve Bylaws as well as the 2022 - 2026 Financial Plan Bylaw;
    • Council will consider allocating $20,000 of the revenue received from the collection of bulk wastewater in the Sewer Fund and reducing the transfer to the Sewer Capital Reserve by $20,000 to establish an operating budget to be used for the efficient execution of minor projects and maintenance associated with the collection of bulk wastewater, as well as allocating $14,000 of the revenue received from the sale of bulk water in the Water Fund and reducing the transfer to the Water Capital Reserve by $10,000 to establish an operating budget to be used for the efficient execution of minor projects and maintenance associated with the bulk water sales;
    • Council will consider a resolution of support for an application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust for the 2022 Business Façade Improvement grant program;
    • Council will consider first reading of a bylaw to update the City's Access to Information and Fees and Charges Bylaw as well as considering rescinding Policy No. 70 –  Administration Fee for Senior Parking Placards;
    • Council will consider approving the proposed 2022 Appointments by Council Resolution, Deputy Mayor Listing, and Schedule of Regular Council Meetings;
    • Council will receive an update on the Social Development Program;
    • Council will receive the November 2021 Building Synopsis; and
    • Council will receive the November 16, 2021 Housing Committee Minutes.

    Read the council meeting agenda


    How to take part

    The current PHO orders permit limited in-person public attendance at council or board meetings. As of September 28, the COVID Related Measures Act and Ministerial Order M192 both have expired, meaning we may no longer hold electronic-only meetings. Therefore, we are now welcoming the public to attend our meetings in person again. Council Chambers is open to four members of the public and media, as well as members of Council and essential staff, with the rest joining virtually. Everyone in Chambers is seated to ensure we are maintaining safe physical distancing.

    We also continue to use Microsoft Teams to allow members of the public to take part in our meetings.

    How can you participate in upcoming Council meetings, public hearings, and more? The public is now permitted to attend our meetings in person. Please note that in-person public attendance is very limited. If you have a vested interest in a topic, please do come down and we will do our best to accommodate you; otherwise, we encourage you to participate by tuning in online until such time we can safely accommodate more people in person. 

    In addition to the usual ability to watch for observation only through Facebook or our website, you may join our Microsoft Teams call if you wish to address Council directly about an item on this evening’s agenda, just as if you were there in person. We encourage you to sign in to the meeting about 10 minutes early to ensure you are connected in time (you will need to download the Teams app if you are connecting on a smartphone). You do NOT need a Microsoft account to join as a guest. We have a page explaining how it works, including technical details that go over how to use Microsoft Teams. 

    Find all the participation details here


    We hope you’ll join in!