Regular Council Meeting - Monday, July 26, 2021

Regular Council Meeting - Monday, July 26, 2021

City Hall

July 26, 2021, Agenda

Tune in:

Monday, July 26, 2021
Regular Council Meeting: 7:30 pm

    On the Regular Council Meeting agenda:

    • Leah Sells of Coast Mountain Children Society will be requesting a letter of support for an application to the Ministry of Children and Family Development regarding Universal Child Care Prototype Sites;
    • Council will consider supporting a resolution from "Moms Stop the Harm" to the Federal Government regarding declaring the overdose crisis a national public health emergency;
    • Council will receive an update on the downtown security;
    • Council will consider supporting an application to the Canada Community Revitalization Fund for the "New Community Washroom and Change Facility Project";
    • Council will consider appointing Councillor Dave Gordon as the new Terrace Downtown Improvement Area Society liaison;
    • Council will receive the 2021 Fire Department Second Quarter Report.

    Read the council meeting agenda


    How to take part

    The PHO orders prohibiting the public from attending Council meetings in person have now been lifted. However, we are taking a gradual approach in our return to normal operations since our Council Chambers is quite small. Council is now permitted to attend meetings in person if they are comfortable doing so, but most staff will continue attending through Teams. For the time being, we will also continue to use Microsoft Teams to allow members of the public to take part in our meetings.

    How can you participate in upcoming Council meetings, public hearings, and more? In addition to the usual ability to watch for observation only through Facebook or our website, you may join our Microsoft Teams call if you wish to address Council directly about an item on this evening’s agenda, just as if you were there in person. We encourage you to sign in to the meeting about 10 minutes early to ensure you are connected in time (you will need to download the Teams app if you are connecting on a smartphone). You do NOT need a Microsoft account to join as a guest. We have a page explaining how it works, including technical details that go over how to use Microsoft Teams. 

    Find all the participation details here


    We hope you’ll join in!