October 25, 2021, Agenda
Tune in:
Monday, October 25, 2021
Regular Council Meeting: 7:30 pm
On the Regular Council Meeting agenda:
- Representatives from the Coalition for Healthy School Food and Kalum Community School Society will be presenting on a universal school food program for K-12 students;
- Kermodei Tourism Society will be requesting a letter of support for their grant application to Northern Development Initiative Trust for their Destination Terrace Spring 2022 Digital Campaign;
- Council will be reviewing a Development Variance Permit application for the property at 3904 Marshall Street. The applicant would like to construct an accessory building with a gross floor area of 134.5 m2;
- Council will consider approving the new Asset Management Policy;
- Council will consider increasing the budget by $30,000 to accommodate the replacement of two City-owned trucks. The additional funds will come out of the Machinery and Equipment (M&E) Reserve;
- Council will be reviewing a draft Business Improvement Area Bylaw;
- Council will be appointing two Regional District Directors and two Alternates for a one-year term to November 30, 2022;
- Council will be reviewing and considering approval of the revised Social Issues Advocacy Committee Terms of Reference as well as appointing two members of Council to serve on the Committee;
- Council will be reviewing and considering approval of the amended "Use of Municipal Chambers/Training Room" policy to permit the rental of the Training Room to external agencies as authorized by the Fire Chief;
- Council will be considering the installation of plexiglass dividers in Council Chambers to permit Council to safely sit at the Council table without wearing masks; and
- Council will be receiving the Fire Department Third Quarter Report.
Read the council meeting agenda
How to take part
The current PHO orders permit limited in-person public attendance at council or board meetings. As of September 28, the COVID Related Measures Act and Ministerial Order M192 both have expired, meaning we may no longer hold electronic-only meetings. Therefore, we are now welcoming the public to attend our meetings in person again. Council Chambers is open to four members of the public and media, as well as members of Council and essential staff, with the rest joining virtually. Everyone in Chambers is seated to ensure we are maintaining safe physical distancing.
We also continue to use Microsoft Teams to allow members of the public to take part in our meetings.
How can you participate in upcoming Council meetings, public hearings, and more? The public is now permitted to attend our meetings in person. Please note that in-person public attendance is very limited. If you have a vested interest in a topic, please do come down and we will do our best to accommodate you; otherwise, we encourage you to participate by tuning in online until such time we can safely accommodate more people in person.
In addition to the usual ability to watch for observation only through Facebook or our website, you may join our Microsoft Teams call if you wish to address Council directly about an item on this evening’s agenda, just as if you were there in person. We encourage you to sign in to the meeting about 10 minutes early to ensure you are connected in time (you will need to download the Teams app if you are connecting on a smartphone). You do NOT need a Microsoft account to join as a guest. We have a page explaining how it works, including technical details that go over how to use Microsoft Teams.
Find all the participation details here
We hope you’ll join in!