Terrace Community Forest Presents $50,000 in Grant Funding to Community Organizations

Terrace Community Forest Presents $50,000 in Grant Funding to Community Organizations


On Wednesday, February 12, 2020, Terrace Community Forest presented $50,000 in grants on behalf of the City of Terrace to eight local organizations seeking funding for recreational projects to benefit the community. Grants ranged from $2,500 to the Mount Remo Backcountry Society to improve road access to backcountry areas, to $10,000 for the Terrace Curling Club to upgrade their ice plant. At the presentation, held during a noon-hour Committee of the Whole meeting at City Hall, the grantees explained their projects to Council and thanked Terrace Community Forest and the City for their support.

REVISED: Read the full news release here.*

*An earlier version of this news release indicated these grants were for the year 2020, but they were actually for the year 2019. We apologize for any confusion.