Janauary 15 Update - Deadline to complete the survey has been extended to February 17, 2025.
Ksan Society, a social service agency in Terrace, has partnered with the University of Victoria to learn about YOUR housing needs and perceptions of homelessness. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts in a survey.
Funded by the Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia, the goal of this project is to determine the level of housing insecurity in our community and better understand public perceptions of homelessness and related services.
Results from this survey will also be shared with the City of Terrace's Housing Needs Committee. The Housing Committee is responsible for assessing the housing needs of Terrace residents and to identify practical and comprehensive approaches to addressing those needs and to advise Council accordingly.
Please follow the link to participate: https://redcap.rcs.uvic.ca/surveys/?s=AKWEX3KNFEATCE7L
The survey is anonymous and confidential, taking a short 15 minutes to complete. Participants get a chance to win 1 of 6 $50 gift cards! Deadline to complete the survey has been extended to February 17, 2025.
If you would prefer to fill out a paper copy, please visit 'Ksan's Administration Office at 4444 Lakelse Ave, Monday-Friday, 8:30AM-4:30PM.