Refuse, Recycling & Waste Management
QUICK LINKS: 2025 Refuse and Recycling Collection Information
- 2025 Curbside Collection Schedule
- Look up my collection schedule (Recycle Coach)
- Solid Waste Collection Route Map
- Visit the One Change Per Week Blog on Engage Terrace + ask refuse-related questions
- When is my refuse/recycling/organics pickup day?
- Curbside refuse information
- Curbside recycling information
- Curbside organics information
- Curbside yard waste information
- Depot recycling in the Greater Terrace area
When is my refuse/recycling pickup day?
Use Recycle Coach to find your pickup day or check the Solid Waste Collection Route Map.
See Collection Schedule. Carts must be out by 8:00 am on your collection day. Carts must be at curbside, within 2 metres (6 feet) of the travelled portion of the road. Position cart with arrow pointing to centre of road with at least 1 metre of clearance around the cart.
There is no garbage or recycling collection on statutory holidays. The missed pickup day will be collected on the date indicated on the Collection Schedule. We will also send out reminders on social media.
Download 2025 Collection Schedule
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Curbside Refuse
One (1) cart per household every second week for residential garbage is being enforced. Should you have more refuse than will fit inside the City-issued cart, “garbage tags” can be purchased and attached to garbage bags. Each additional bag of garbage must have a City of Terrace Garbage Tag, plainly visible and securely attached, for it to be collected. These "Garbage Tags" are available for $2.00 each at City Hall or Public Works. The maximum weight of any additional tagged refuse is 22 kg (50 lb) per bag. Oversized or overweight items that will not fit in your cart or in a tagged garbage bag (microwaves, snow shovels, broken chairs, etc) will not be permitted and should be taken to the Thornhill Transfer Station for disposal. In addition, construction and demolition waste is not permitted in curbside carts. Check the RDKS website for more information.
Curbside Recycling
Alternating weeks with garbage collection, the City of Terrace offers curbside recycling pickup. Materials for recycling should be placed loose (not bagged) inside the blue, City-issued recycling cart. Should you have more materials than will fit inside the cart, then the materials for recycling can be placed in a clear plastic bag at the curbside. Cardboard should be broken down and bundled no larger than 8" thick x 30" wide x 30" tall. There is no limit to the number of recycling bags that can be placed at curbside; however, the bags must be transparent. Please note that carts/bags containing unacceptable materials will be left at curbside.
What's accepted in curbside recycling?
Please see the Collection Schedule for common materials acceptable in the curbside recycling program. For other items, please check Recycle Coach.
Reminder: Glass cannot be accepted in the curbside recycling program. Read the Glass Recycling Fact Sheet & Update for details.
Reminder: Refundable beverage containers cannot be accepted in the curbside recycling program. Visit the Terrace Bottle Depot for drop-off.
Check Recycle Coach
Curbside Organics and Yard Waste
Organics collections will be picked up weekly on the same day as garbage and recycling collection. Acceptable items can be placed in the green organics collection cart provided to residential customers by the City. Compostable bags are recommended to help keep the containers clean, reduce odour, and limit animal attraction—and please note that the only acceptable bags for compost bins are compostable ones.
Examples of acceptable items:
- Food scraps: noodles, rice, beans, grains, bread, meat, bones, fish/seafood, dairy products, eggshells, small amounts of oil and fat (soaked in paper towel or newspaper), tissue paper, fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, teabags, paper filters
- Food-soiled paper products: pizza boxes, empty cereal boxes, paper napkins, newspaper and paper bags (for wrapping food scraps or lining kitchen containers), parchment and wax paper, used paper dishes
- Yard waste: leaves, lawn clippings, garden trimmings, flowers, weeds, small branches and prunings less than 10 cm (4 in) thick and 50 cm (20 in) long
Examples of items that are not acceptable: fecal matter, diapers, and plastics.
Do NOT place invasive plants in your curbside yard waste or green organics cart! Learn what to do with invasive species here.
Please see the Collection Schedule for a detailed list of materials acceptable in the organics collection. The Organics FAQ also lists common questions and answers.
Curbside Yard Waste Pickup
Curbside yard waste is picked up in your green cart on your regular collection day only. See section above for accepted materials in the green cart. Learn more about why we made this change.
If you have a small amount of yard waste, please put it in your green organics cart along with food scraps and soiled paper products. This will be picked up as usual on your regular pickup day. Reminder: We also have 240L green carts available. That’s the same size as your current black (garbage) and blue (recycling) cart. There’s a one-time fee of $45 for this cart (and that’s less than you paid initially for your current 120L green cart). To order, please contact us (contact info at bottom of page) and we’ll swap it for you. It will be delivered when supplies and staff are available.
Yard Waste Drop-Off
Those with additional yard waste can drop it off for FREE at the City's Public Works yard
- Location: 5003 Graham Ave.
- Hours: Mondays ONLY, from 8:30am - 4pm, starting the second week in April and available until the third Monday in November.
- Please, no drop-offs at other times. It is unsafe for the public to enter the yard when we’re not expecting it and workers operating vehicles and heavy machinery may not see you.
- Accepted items: leaves, lawn clippings, garden trimmings, flowers, weeds, small branches and prunings less than 1/2 inch (12 mm) in diameter and 3 feet (1 m) long
- Not accepted: food scraps, food-soiled paper products, building materials, or any household refuse—yard trimmings only
- How to bring your yard waste:
- Our preference is to bring yard waste in brown compostable/biodegradable paper bags since they're easier and safer for residents dropping them off as well as for our staff. There is no bag limit for drop-off at Public Works.
- We also accept loose material from the back of a vehicle, as long as it contains only accepted items: no tree stumps, large branches, or other prohibited items, please. Please ensure you transport it safely so it doesn't blow out of the vehicle. And remember, this is a self-serve drop-off location, so our crew is there to monitor, not assist with emptying vehicles.
- Please check in with the attendant at the front gate before entering the Public Works yard and obey all signage onsite directing traffic safely through, including the posted speed limit of 10 km/hr.
Other Yard Waste Disposal Options
The Thornhill Transfer Station, operated by the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine (RDKS), accepts yard waste from Terrace residents. The Thornhill Transfer Station is located in Thornhill at 3016 Old Lakelse Lake Road.
Materials permitted for disposal at the Transfer Station include garbage, metal, yard and garden waste, clean wood, and demolition materials.
For hours of operation, tipping fees and more info go to the Terrace Area Solid Waste page on the RDKS website.
No Invasive Species please!
Reminder! Do NOT place invasive plants in your yard waste for drop-off or your green organics cart! Learn what to do with invasive species here.
Depot Recycling in the Greater Terrace Area
Items that are not accepted in the curbside recycling program can often be returned to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Depots, which are available locally to help you recycle.
Visit the Do Your Part Recycling Depot website
Learn about the Do Your Part Recycling Depot
Get a list of local EPR Depots and accepted items
Visit the Return-It website for information on the Terrace Bottle Depot
Contact Us