In accordance with Sections 94 and 124 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that the City of Terrace Council intends to consider repealing and replacing City of Terrace Council Procedure Bylaw No. 2095-2015 with City of Terrace Council Procedure Bylaw No. 2314-2025 at the Regular Council Meeting scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on January 27, 2025 in Council Chambers, Terrace City Hall, 3215 Eby Street, Terrace.
In general terms, the City of Terrace Council Procedure Bylaw No. 2314-2025 differs from the City of Terrace Council Procedure Bylaw No. 2095-2015 as follows: Update definitions and honorifics, remove the City website as a public notice posting place, amend Committee of the Whole quorum from two to a majority; include general wording clarification; revise annual regular meeting schedule, allow for regular meeting postponement; update electronic meetings/participation notice and process; Acting Mayor rotation designation moved to December from January; include the ability to hold meetings outside of City Hall without prior resolution in emergency circumstances; update presiding member and notice of motion procedures; add First Nations Land Acknowledgement & Approval of Agenda, rename “Special Reports” to “Staff Reports”, rename “Report from In-Camera” to “Report from Closed Meeting” and allow for agenda order variation; allow for Council members to meet informally for purpose of workshops; remove requirement to distribute late agenda item information to members; update voting process so that failure to indicate a vote is counted in the affirmative, a vote in the negative will be recorded in the minutes; update delegation procedure, including deadline for materials, when a delegation is not permitted, referral to staff when appropriate, combining delegations and conduct of delegations; add petitions; and remove of “Points of Order” section.
All relevant documentation pertaining to this bylaw may be inspected as follows:
In-person in the reception area at City Hall, 3215 Eby Street, Terrace, BC. Municipal Hall hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays.
Online at the City’s meeting portal at:
For an electronic copy, please contact the Municipal Hall at 250-638-4724 or
Questions and comments can be directed to Rachel Mattiuz, Corporate Officer at 250-638-4721 or